Picture of Madeline Grove, mental health therapist in Virginia

Madeline Grove, MA & EdS, Resident in Counseling

Verified LogoVerified by Mental Health Match

Current Availability:

Monday - Friday with some evening appointments available.

Madeline Grove remote and phone therapy in VirginiaMadeline Grove remote and phone therapy in Virginia
Provides therapy in Virginia

About Me:

  • My clients describe me as:

    Compassionate, open-minded, and approachable. Sessions can range from lighthearted and playful to holding space for challenging emotions.

  • Something to know about my approach is:

    Therapy isn't effective unless there is a strong sense of trust and safety. We will work together to build an inviting space where you can find a deeper understanding of yourself and the challenges you face.

  • Together, we will:

    Explore painful emotions that may feel too big to face alone, and discover how past experiences or trauma is influencing your life today. Together, we will plan concrete steps using evidence-based tools to help you achieve a sense of freedom.

  • I specialize in working with people who:

    Feel lost, confused, or disoriented as to where they fit in the world. Moving through change that comes with life transitions is understandably painful. I like helping people discover who they are and build out the life they deserve.

  • I became a therapist because:

    I fell in love with the process of therapy as self-transformation that begins at the individual level and has positive effects that ripple outward.

  • Something that stands out about where I offer therapy is:

    I take the time to ensure that my offices are safe and inviting. If we meet virtually, sessions will be hosted on a secure, confidential platform.

  • More about me and my practice:

    I have experience in inpatient, outpatient, forensic, and community based settings. I enjoy keeping up with current research and ethical practices to maintain a high quality of care for each of my clients.

Video Introduction:

More Details:

Out-of-Pocket Fees:

$100 - $175

In-Network with:

No Insurers

Languages Spoken:


Photos Of Where I Offer Therapy:

Therapy space picture #1 for Madeline Grove, mental health therapist in Virginia