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Find Therapists & Counselors in Stone Meadows of Bakersfield, CA.

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Mental Health Match makes it easy to find a therapist or counselor that best meets your needs. Our free matching tool will personalize your search and find you a therapist in the Bakersfield area who can best support you. It is important that your therapist of choice adheres to five main criteria: Competence, Cultural Fit, Personality, Convenience and Affordability. In addition to expertise within a wide range of specialties, you can find Bakersfield therapists who are involved with the BIPOC community, LBGTQ+ identities and more.

Therapists in Stone Meadows of Bakersfield, CA - List Your Practice

If you are a therapist or counselor located near Stone Meadows of Bakersfield, CA consider listing your practice on Mental Health Match! Not only will our platform help to expand your digital presence, but our powerful tool helps to present clients who best match your expertise and approach. Get set up for new referrals in 10 minutes or less. 60 day free trial, with no credit cards required to start. Join now.

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Showing 1 - 5 (716 total therapists)
Showing 1 - 5 (716 total therapists)
Picture of Natalie Matsche, mental health therapist in California
Natalie Matsche
Together, we will:

Together we will discuss opportunities for growth, challenges you may face, and ways to strengthen communication for the betterment of your relationships and lived experience. With grace, compassion, and empathy, we will figure it out together.

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Picture of Natalie Matsche, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

Together we will discuss opportunities for growth, challenges you may face, and ways to strengthen communication for the betterment of your relationships and lived experience. With grace, compassion, and empathy, we will figure it out together.

Something to know about my approach is:

I have had the pleasure of supporting individuals, couples, and families using a combination of therapeutic treatment modalities: CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), Humanistic/Person Centered Approach.

  • Adult ADHD
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Couples
  • Depression
  • Life Skills
  • Perfectionism
  • Premarital Counseling
  • Relationships
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Map in Burson, California for Natalie Matsche therapy location.
17.9 miles from you
Picture of Juanita Dimas, mental health therapist in California
Juanita Dimas
Together, we will:

We will work together as a team, you and I. I realize that no two people are the same, therefore, I tailor the therapy to meet your specific needs and interests, to recognize underlying problems, and optimize your strengths, to reach your goals.

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Picture of Juanita Dimas, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

We will work together as a team, you and I. I realize that no two people are the same, therefore, I tailor the therapy to meet your specific needs and interests, to recognize underlying problems, and optimize your strengths, to reach your goals.

Something to know about my approach is:

I work with adults with a range of emotional, mental health and health concerns. Together, as a team, we define what you want to work on, how and to what end, and will address the past only in as much as it it impacts your present and future.

  • Anxiety
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Helping Professionals
  • Identity
  • Immigration Evaluations
  • Latinos
  • Life Transitions
  • Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Third Culture Kids
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Juanita Dimas remote and phone therapy in California
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Picture of Elena White, mental health therapist in California
Elena White
Together, we will:

Uncover old relationships, experiences, patterns, or habits will help expose the more difficult parts of your life experience that are demanding to be heard, helping you to discover ways to grow happily or healthily into your future.

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Picture of Elena White, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

Uncover old relationships, experiences, patterns, or habits will help expose the more difficult parts of your life experience that are demanding to be heard, helping you to discover ways to grow happily or healthily into your future.

Something to know about my approach is:

I work with both a psychodynamic and attachment theory lens, but recognize that one size never fits all. Our therapeutic relationship will serve as a grounding space, where you can explore the more tender parts of yourself.

  • Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Multicultural Identity
  • Panic Disorders
  • Reparenting Yourself
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Elena White remote and phone therapy in California
Picture of Myndy Crist, mental health therapist in California
Myndy Crist
Together, we will:

build a trusted relationship while we examine your life: what works, what doesn't, what hurts, what soothes.

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Picture of Myndy Crist, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

build a trusted relationship while we examine your life: what works, what doesn't, what hurts, what soothes.

Something to know about my approach is:

I work relationally from a psychodynamic, attachment theory based perspective. I tailor treatment with interdisciplinary techniques - from CBT to Narrative Therapy to EMDR. We work to build insight around patterns standing in your way.

  • Artists and Creative Personalities
  • Attachment Issues
  • Career Change
  • Couples
  • Developmental Trauma
  • Functional Anxiety
  • Life Transitions
  • New Parent
  • Personal Growth
  • Relationships
  • Relationship Trauma
  • Self-Compassion
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Myndy Crist remote and phone therapy in California
Picture of Alice Wong, mental health therapist in California
Alice Wong
Together, we will:

heal from past experiences and define your happiness. We will find balance in your relationships while honoring your own self. We will grow your capacity for all feelings so that you have the strength for the difficult and space for the joys.

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Picture of Alice Wong, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

heal from past experiences and define your happiness. We will find balance in your relationships while honoring your own self. We will grow your capacity for all feelings so that you have the strength for the difficult and space for the joys.

Something to know about my approach is:

I am trained in psychodynamic therapy -- a form of in-depth therapy that aims to explore, process, and understand the influences (usually past experiences) that are affecting your current life so that you can craft a healthier and happier future.

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Burnout
  • Career Change
  • East Asian Cultural Issues
  • Family Conflict
  • Grief
  • High-Functioning Depression
  • Multicultural Identity
  • Starting a Business
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Alice Wong remote and phone therapy in California