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Find Therapists & Counselors in Murrieta, CA.


Mental Health Match makes it easy to find a therapist or counselor that best meets your needs. Our free matching tool will personalize your search and find you a therapist in the Murrieta area who can best support you. It is important that your therapist of choice adheres to five main criteria: Competence, Cultural Fit, Personality, Convenience and Affordability. In addition to expertise within a wide range of specialties, you can find Murrieta therapists who are involved with the BIPOC community, LBGTQ+ identities and more.

Therapists in Murrieta, CA - List Your Practice

If you are a therapist or counselor located near Murrieta, CA consider listing your practice on Mental Health Match! Not only will our platform help to expand your digital presence, but our powerful tool helps to present clients who best match your expertise and approach. Get set up for new referrals in 10 minutes or less. 60 day free trial, with no credit cards required to start. Join now.

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Showing 1 - 5 (708 total therapists)
Showing 1 - 5 (708 total therapists)
Picture of Emy Yacoub, mental health therapist in California
Emy Yacoub
Together, we will:

Together, we'll explore themes like emotional resilience, relationship dynamics, life transitions, past trauma and self-discovery. We'll address challenges and work towards solutions tailored to your unique journey, fostering growth and well-being

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Picture of Emy Yacoub, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

Together, we'll explore themes like emotional resilience, relationship dynamics, life transitions, past trauma and self-discovery. We'll address challenges and work towards solutions tailored to your unique journey, fostering growth and well-being

Something to know about my approach is:

My approach blends empathy with practical strategies. You’ll find a collaborative environment, setting goals together, working over challenges. I emphasize understanding your unique experience and empowering you with tools personal growth and healing

  • Acute Grief
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety Management
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Depression
  • Life Transitions
  • Parenting Skills
  • Relationship Conflict
  • Self-Esteem
  • Trauma
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Emy Yacoub remote and phone therapy in California
Picture of Jenna Richardson, mental health therapist in California, Washington
Jenna Richardson
Together, we will:

help you break out of toxic family patterns, create more secure partnerships and friendships, and reconnect with your passion for life. Sometimes, I might recommend EMDR if I feel a more targeted approach is needed to resolve chronic symptoms.

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Picture of Jenna Richardson, mental health therapist in California, Washington
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Together, we will:

help you break out of toxic family patterns, create more secure partnerships and friendships, and reconnect with your passion for life. Sometimes, I might recommend EMDR if I feel a more targeted approach is needed to resolve chronic symptoms.

Something to know about my approach is:

Our work together will be centered around a relational approach, as our relationships provide the playground for dynamic growth to occur. I also bring in psychodynamic, somatic and cognitive behavioral methods to support comprehensive trauma healing.

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics
  • Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Assertiveness
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Empowering Women
  • Ethical Non-Monogamy
  • Finding Meaning or Purpose
  • LGBTQ+
  • Life Transitions
  • Parent-Child Relationship
  • People Pleasing
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychedelic Integration
  • Racial Trauma
  • Reparenting Yourself
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Work-Life Balance
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Jenna Richardson remote and phone therapy in California, Washington
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Picture of Jiani Huang, mental health therapist in California
Jiani Huang
Together, we will:

The goal of mine is helping people to explore their true potential in order to experience a more fulfilling and balanced life

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Picture of Jiani Huang, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

The goal of mine is helping people to explore their true potential in order to experience a more fulfilling and balanced life

Something to know about my approach is:

I have been trained using a variety of therapeutic approaches including psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and dialectic-behavioral therapy.

  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality
  • Couples
  • Depression
  • Manic Depression
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Jiani Huang remote and phone therapy in California
Picture of Elise Baumann, mental health therapist in California
Elise Baumann
Together, we will:

Take a look at what's keeping you feeling stuck or unsatisfied and collaborate on finding the answers you need to move forward.

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Picture of Elise Baumann, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

Take a look at what's keeping you feeling stuck or unsatisfied and collaborate on finding the answers you need to move forward.

Something to know about my approach is:

My approach to therapy is to meet the client where they are and collaborate with them to better understand themselves, work through pain from the past and gain clarity about the future they’d like to create.

  • Adult ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • College Students
  • First Responders
  • Parenting
  • Perfectionism
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Professional Women
  • Relationships
  • Working Professionals
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Elise Baumann remote and phone therapy in California
Picture of John Coyne, mental health therapist in California
John Coyne
Together, we will:

Together we will explore your values and the current direction of your life. We will explore what's most important to you and develop ways to get back on track with the life you want for yourself.

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Picture of John Coyne, mental health therapist in California
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Together, we will:

Together we will explore your values and the current direction of your life. We will explore what's most important to you and develop ways to get back on track with the life you want for yourself.

Something to know about my approach is:

One of my goals is to help people come into the present moment and get in touch with what they are experiencing in the here and now. Therapy is a place to slow down and really connect with what you are feeling.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Health
  • Life Transitions
  • Stress
  • Substance Use
  • Trauma
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John Coyne remote and phone therapy in California