Mental Health Match features thousands of therapists. Our clinical matching tool can help find someone who meets your needs.
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My approach to therapy: I utilize a variety of evidence-based approaches to best fit each individual including CBT, SFT and narrative therapy. I also specialize in Brainspotting, a technique which accesses trauma we cannot reach with traditional talk therapy.
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My approach to therapy: I work closely with my clients to help them uncover their strengths and sharpen their tools to be able to overcome life's obstacles. This is done with care, compassion, and concern.
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My approach to therapy: We offer the most innovative treatment approaches including: EMDR, Hypnosis, Brain Spotting, EFT, TFT, Meditation. CBT, somatoemotional release, DBT, ACT, spirituality, and life coaching. Telehealth appointments provided for your convenience.
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My approach to therapy: it is lead by you and your needs and it's based in the belief that you are a strong and resilient being.
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Mental Health Match has connected over 500,000 people with the right therapist, not just any therapist.
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