Picture of Victoria Gordon, mental health therapist in Kansas, Missouri

Victoria Gordon, KS LPC, MO PLPC, EMDR-Trained

Verified LogoVerified by Mental Health Match

Current Availability:

Telehealth: Tuesday & Friday 2-6pm In-Person: Wednesday 2-6pm

Victoria Gordon remote and phone therapy in Kansas, MissouriVictoria Gordon remote and phone therapy in Kansas, Missouri
Provides therapy in Kansas, Missouri

About Me:

  • My clients describe me as:

    Clients often describe me as real, truly caring, and fun to work with. I know therapy doesn't typically sound fun, but I believe in using humor.

  • Something to know about my approach is:

    I am an EMDR-trained, attachment-based therapist who uses somatic tools to help you connect with your body, express emotions, and regulate your nervous system. I love to incorporate any other techniques that a client might respond to.

  • Together, we will:

    Create a soft space for you to be "selfish" long enough to unmask, find relief, and heal.

  • I specialize in working with people who:

    I specialize in: Trauma Recovery (religious, childhood, etc.), Neurodivergence Support (ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia etc.), and Burnout Recovery.

  • I became a therapist because:

    I have personal experience with the pain of trauma and challenges of neurodivergence. I hope to provide the support that I often lacked.

  • Something that stands out about where I offer therapy is:

    I provide Telehealth (virtual) therapy. This means you can schedule sessions without having to factor in drive time & you can be in your comfort zone.

More Details:

Out-of-Pocket Fees:

$85 - $135

In-Network with:

No Insurers

Languages Spoken:


Years Licensed: