Effective Anxiety Coping Skills

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We all experience Anxiety and it is part of being human. Sometimes Anxiety can become hard to cope with, so it is helpful to learn strategies to help us manage it adaptively.

Anxiety Symptoms include:

  • Excessive anxiety and worry
  • Difficult to control the worry
  • Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
  • Being easily fatigued
  • Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep)

Useful Ways to Manage Anxiety:

1. Focus on what’s on your control

When experiencing worry and anxiety a useful strategy is to focus on the things you can control. What you do in the present moment matters for you and for your family. Here’s a list of what is within your control (potentially)

  • How you respond to your emotions & feelings
  • How you respond to your thoughts
  • How much action you take towards your goals
  • The values you live by, whether or not life gives you what you want

2. Acknowledge your thoughts & feelings

Being aware of what is going on inside of you is a key factor to managing anxiety and can be done by taking simple actions such as saying to yourself:

“I am noticing anxiety” “My mind is worrying” or “I’m thinking something awful is going to happen”

By being aware of your internal dialogue you can exercise your noticing skills so you can manage anxiety better.

3. Keep physically active

Build a habit so that you’re physically active the majority of the week. Exercise is beneficial for managing stress. It can enhance your mood and support your health. Do not rush into it, start out slow and progressively build up your exercise routine.

4. Seek help from a mental health provider

We all need help from time to time. I am a proponent of the saying “It’s ok not to be OK.” It can be difficult to look for a therapist and receive help for Anxiety Therapy. The stigma towards mental health is still prevalent in our society and it can hinder your disposition to reach out for help.

Don’t let stigma keep you from living your life guided by your values

You deserve to be your best self
Reach out to a Counselor today. CLICK HERE below to find out more about how therapy for Anxiety could help you.



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