For the overthinker

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For the overthinker, finding a way to stay present is crucial. It’s easy to get sucked into a downward spiral of thoughts that are completely unrelated to what’s happening around you. You might find yourself in the middle of an exciting conversation with a friend, only to realize that you and your thoughts have drifted off somewhere else—maybe back to the day in high school when you thought you’d finally found your soulmate, or maybe onto the worst case scenario of what will happen if you don’t get that job promotion. While it’s good to have an active and imaginative mind, it can be helpful to find ways to make sure your thoughts are on track.

One way is to take a quick step back from whatever train of thought has pulled you away from the present moment. It may seem silly, but looking down at your feet can be a great reminder that you’re standing on the ground and you’re not anywhere else. Even more, taking a quick look at your feet can remind you how far you’ve come and how much further there is for you to go—you don’t want to forget how far you’ve come in life just because your mind was wandering.

A second technique is also very simple: make it concrete. A great way to get your mind off of those worries is to give them a home. Make it concrete. Take out a notebook and physically write your worry down on the first page. This is a very effective practice that helps clear your mind and create room for other, more positive thoughts- or view it from a different perspective. I think it’s important to pick up this new habit if you notice yourself worrying about the same things over and over again—putting your worries on paper can help you relieve stress and anxiety in the future.

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