Grieving relationships that never were

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When we think of grief, we often associate it with the loss of a loved one. However, grief can also stem from other types of losses, including losing something we never had. For instance, in relationships, we often care for the person we imagine the other person to be, and when that person falls short of our expectations, we may experience a sense of loss as we mourn the disappearance of our dream.

If you’re going through this type of grief, it’s important to be kind to yourself. Understand that grief is not something you can control, and accept your feelings as they arise. Be patient with yourself and engage in healthy self-soothing behaviors.

To truly navigate your grief, you must breathe life into what never was. Identify it, examine it, and comprehend its scope. Allow yourself to feel the weight of your loss and empower yourself with the tools to communicate with your grief.

Remember that grief is not something you just get over. It’s an invitation to find other fulfillment. It’s something that deserves to be continuously honored. Before you can do this, you must breathe life into what never was. Name it, explore it, and gain a full understanding of it. Allow yourself to feel the full importance of your loss.

Seek gratitude, even in the midst of pain, and celebrate achievements, no matter how small.  Gratitude may not take away the pain of your mourning; it will, however, bring to light the quality of your life. Happiness is like a muscle, and gratitude is an essential tool for discovering daily happiness. Keep in mind that grief is not a linear process. By seeking gratitude, you will be better equipped to navigate the valleys and mountains of your mourning.  Gratitude will enable you to return to yourself and savor the moments as they come.

Be proud of yourself for acknowledging your loss and taking steps to grieve mindfully. It may not be easy, but by focusing on self-improvement, you set yourself up for a positive future. It’s understandable to want to avoid the pain and sadness that comes with grief, but this only prolongs the healing process. Instead, try setting aside time to grieve mindfully. Whether it’s jogging in the morning (mourning runs), writing in a journal, or giving yourself time to think while doing house chores, be intentional about it. By creating a designated time to acknowledge and process your grief, you can prevent it from overwhelming you at unexpected times. With practice, you can learn to hold space for your loss in a healthy way and limit its negative impact on your life.

Reframe the story surrounding your loss, and don’t allow it to limit your world. Honor your grief and take the time to grieve mindfully through self-soothing activities that work for you. Seek gratitude, even amidst the pain, and celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. Remember to take good care of yourself and engage in healthy self-soothing activities. Your grief is valid, no matter how physical the loss is. Your journey is unique to you, and you have the power to guide your traveling in a positive direction.

In conclusion, remember that losing a relationship we never had can be just as challenging as losing a loved one. Be gentle with yourself and recognize your emotions as they come. Take the time to breathe life into what never was, understand it, and appreciate its magnitude. Sit with the weight of your loss and create a healthy dialogue with your grief. 

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