Working though Anger with Anger Management

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Our emotions are what make us human. Anger is no exception from the rule and is a normal response to many situations that arise throughout our lives. It may stick with you for a myriad of reasons. Maybe it stems from problems you’ve experienced in the past or is accompanying other mental health struggles, like depression, anxiety, substance use, or grief. But anger can become difficult to control or even worsen over time when it is not addressed.

Conflict arises in every area of our life, and anger is a complex emotion. So it is vital to understand the levels of anger, what it looks like when it impacts your life and relationships, and how you can address it both on your own and with the support of a mental health professional.

How much anger is too much?

Have you ever felt that anger is your default emotion? Or that there is a constant underlying feeling of anger impeding your personal goals, daily life, and relationships? Maybe once you feel yourself losing control of your temper, you find it challenging to regain your composure.

This could indicate that anger is negatively affecting your life and taking away from your potential.

Signs that you could benefit from anger management support:

·      Frequently engaging in heated arguments

·      Your anger negatively impacts those around you

·      Often feeling a sense of regret after an altercation

·      Anger makes you say and do things that aren’t “you

·      Engaging in threatening behaviors, physical/verbal violence, or property damage

·      Blaming others and avoiding accountability


The Impact of Anger

Anger tends to layer upon itself over time. A common way for people to deal with their anger is to attempt to suppress it over time and bottle up what they feel. But this practice runs the risk of deepening the anger and eventually allowing it to spread into other areas of your life. The source of anger can come from many different circumstances. Sometimes it is relationship issues, low self-esteem, or stress.

However, lashing out is not suitable when it affects those around you and creates distress. Instead, the anger needs to be recognized and handled with control.

Anyone who feels their anger is out of control may also feel like it overshadows who they are, and they do not see themselves as they once were. Anger alters the ability to fulfill different roles in life. Outbursts, lack of healthy coping skills, or risk of violence may jeopardize relationships with friends and family, especially with children. If uncontrollable anger is present in the workplace, it is possible that maintaining a job or good standing with your supervisors becomes difficult.

High levels of anger do not come without physical symptoms and an increased risk of different health conditions:

·      Headaches

·      Digestion Issues

·      Insomnia

·      High Blood Pressure

·      Heart Disease

Managing Anger

It is possible to incorporate small mindset shifts to reframe anger and handle emotions more effectively. Getting stuck in certain thinking patterns makes problem-solving and communication more difficult, but altering those views allows you to regain control of how you respond.

·  Harsh, angry responses are often irrational – Take a moment to evaluate the facts of what you are facing rather than just the emotion it brings up for you.

· Restructure the extremes – Irrational thoughts also make you feel like things are more dire than they are, perhaps causing them to appear as an all-or-nothing situation. Try gauging your responses based on the reality of what you are facing, and question if an angry response is worth your time and energy.

· Focus on your body – Use your body to your advantage.

o   Channel your energy into physical activity to lower tension and stress.

o   Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness meditation.

o   Become aware of the physical symptoms of your triggers, such as a racing heart, clenching/tensing of your muscles, and sweating.

· Step away from the situation – Just as you might give yourself a moment to think about your reaction to something, allow yourself the space to remove yourself from the situation for five minutes. Having room to gather your thoughts and process your emotions privately can set you up for controlling anger successfully.


Seeking Help

Wading through the waters of uncontrollable anger is not something that has to be done alone. With the help of a professional, anyone can receive the support, guidance, and expertise needed to tackle their anger with additional accountability. Help can come in the form of one-on-one anger therapy, coaching practices, workshops, or classes developed by trained mental health professionals.

There are several key components to successfully tackle anger and build the necessary skills to cope and thrive.

·      Managing Stress

·      Identifying Triggers

·      Learning Conflict Resolution Skills

·      Improving Communication

·      Practicing Empathy and Self Control


By focusing on these different aspects, you will be able to create a toolbox for yourself, full of helpful tools to decrease anger and handle conflicts that arise more effectively. As a result, you will feel more in control of yourself, your relationships will improve, and so will your confidence.


Life Revisions Anger Management Course

With the Life Revisions Anger Management course, you will learn these necessary skills to get back into the driver’s seat of your emotions.

This course empowers individuals to reframe their anger by adapting conflict resolution and coping skills. It challenges attendees to dig deeper to further increase self-awareness and self-control by understanding more about what they feel, why they feel it, and how to move forward. There is a primary focus on turning anger into healthy behaviors, faith, and forgiveness.

As an attendee, you can anticipate working with a highly qualified professional throughout the course. The value of information will help you handle how to respond to inevitable demanding situations that arise.

Sign up for our anger management course below:


The course is offered in various formats, each with different lengths, dependent upon the individualized requirements of the courts or individual preferences.

Enrollment letters and certificates of completion are provided to participants who meet the necessary group requirements and attendance expectations.


Anger is a manageable emotion, but it is multifaceted and requires commitment, understanding, and the proper tools to move through it. When the correct techniques and skills are applied, you can regain control of your life, goals, and relationships.


Sign up for our anger management course below:

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