TrancePlan Hypnotherapy

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If you’re looking for an alternative way to manage stress, anxiety, and depression, you may want to consider hypnotherapy. TrancePlan Hypnotherapy is an innovative approach to hypnotherapy that offers traditional and modern, science-based approaches to helping people achieve their mental health goals.

TrancePlan Hypnotherapy is based on the principles of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy; a form of communication and behavior modification that has been used for decades in psychotherapy, counseling, and coaching. These principles combined with Eastern philosophy such as Yoga Nidra, are used to help people understand how their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors affect their mental health.

TrancePlan Hypnotherapy combines with traditional hypnotherapy techniques to help people gain insight into their thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. During a TrancePlan Hypnotherapy session, the practitioner will use a combination of verbal and non-verbal techniques to help the client access their subconscious mind. This allows the client to gain insight into their current mental state and how it affects their behavior.

The TrancePlan Hypnotherapy approach is based on the belief that the subconscious mind is the source of our mental and emotional well-being. With the help of the practitioner, the client can gain insight into their subconscious mind and begin to make positive changes in their life.

TrancePlan induction is much like REM cycles and sleep as the frequencies cycle very deep and longer through a lucid dreaming trance frequency stage; up to alert where your thinking mind makes sense for you.* “Hypnosis has been most closely linked to power in the theta band and changes in gamma activity. These oscillations are thought to play a critical role in both the recording and recall of declarative memory and emotional limbic circuits.” **
This repeating experience allows a person to be in flow state. Where there is flow state, aware of the fluids emanating from the heart and with the aid of the lungs a person is able to deeply relax, releasing all stress and tension on a physical, mental, emotional and even cellular level. With the use of a guided progressive relaxation exercise, within hypnotic suggestions and deep Hypnotherapy, the trance state is felt from the feet to the head including the energy channels also called meridians or nadis. This includes and expands, building upon experiencing the chakra system including the use of readings from Vignanabhairava tantra, Buddhism, Upanishads, Baba Ram Das, and more. If inducated, very positive Sanskrit or culturally appropriate chants are also included. While in the trance state a person is able to travel into their future without having a NDE. The mind and its creative state naturally can produce its own intention and envision it as in a dream. This is how Olympic competitors train through visualization. While this is happening a person will experience succeeding in their domains or environments that they are traveling to. Then when the person re-awakens they keep that within themselves and are able to unconsciously and consciously feel more open less fear and less depressed.


Griffen, J. (2007). What is hypnosis? What is hypnosis? (n.d.).

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