Why We Celebrate the Small Wins

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Sometimes my win for the day is that I was able to get in a ten minute walk. Sometimes my win is that I didn’t binge the gluten free chocolate chip cookies on my kitchen counter or the new season of a trashy show on Netflix. Sometimes the win is that I didn’t lose my patience when my son was taking a little bit too long to get out the door and giving me a little bit too much pre-teen attitude. 

It’s so important that we celebrate wins. If we don’t, we often lose motivation and get discouraged. We end up beating ourselves up for not getting in 10,000 steps, or not sticking to that budgeting trend on TikTok, or not being perfect parents. We bypass the small wins and feel like we aren’t making progress, so what we’ve set out to do feels further and further away. 

I hear this a lot in my practice. Folks will come in and say, “I just feel like I’m not making any progress on my healing journey”–a sentiment that is often inspired by way too much doom scrolling and comparing to people on social media.

What often gets missed is the win in just showing up. The win in choosing to do something that will nourish and uplift you. The win in doing your best each day and letting that be enough. My homework for my clients (and the beautiful human being reading this, too) is to look for and celebrate the small wins each day. Were you able to interrupt an anxious or negative thought? Were you able to step out of your comfort zone a tiny bit today? Did you get out of bed and open the blinds? Did you show up to life today? #Winning. Remember: the small wins are still wins and that add up along the way towards our hopes, goals, and dreams.

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