7 Ways Addiction Changes Your Personality

5 minutes Written by Randy M Seewald

Addiction changes your personality and can change who you are on the inside as well as from the outside. When you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, not only does your physical wellness suffer. Your mental health suffers as well. If you’re feeling down and out, some common treatments are effective such as suboxone treatment.

These are some ways addiction will affect your personality:

1. Causes Constant Cravings

You have a constant craving for the drug and an urge to use it. The desire to use becomes overwhelming, even if you are not using the substance.


2. Irritability

Irritability, mood swings, and depression are common symptoms of addiction. These feelings can be caused by the physical effects of the drug or the mental effects of addiction.

The physical effects include a tolerance for opioids, which means you need more and more to feel normal (or at least not sick). You may also develop a tolerance for other drugs like benzodiazepines (Xanax) or alcohol that help you feel better when you use them regularly; if this happens then your body will start needing those substances to function properly again after quitting opioid use altogether. It’s time to seek assistance from an opioids addiction specialist before things get worse, check into a rehab facility, or speak with a telemedicine therapist from the comfort of your home.


3. Diminished Self-Awareness

The most common ways addiction changes your personality are through:

  • Diminished self-awareness. This can be seen in a person who feels they have to hide their addiction because it’s embarrassing or shameful, or who tries to pretend that they don’t have an addiction problem. They may also struggle with depression due to the stress of hiding their problem from others.


  • Diminished self-confidence and self-esteem. If a person is addicted, they may feel like everyone else does not want them around anymore—and this could lead them into feeling like no one will want anything from them either (which makes sense). It also means that once someone realizes how much time has gone into hiding an addiction problem, there isn’t much left over for any other activities.


4. Decreased Confidence

Lack of self-worth and respect can lead to low self-confidence and a feeling that you don’t deserve anything good in life. This can also lead to depression, anxiety, and hopelessness as well as other mental health issues such as phobias or social anxiety disorder (SAD).

5. Increase in Risky Behavior

You may be more likely to get into accidents, or even be arrested. You may also be injured while driving, or lose control of your vehicle and crash. This increased risk of injury is one of the main reasons why many people who have lost their loved ones due to addiction find themselves unable to drive for months after their death.

If you’re in recovery from drug use but still want some sort of physical activity (like swimming), this could also affect your ability to participate in sports with friends—or even just go outside without getting mugged by someone looking for drugs.


6. Becoming a Socially Awkward Shy Covert

You may have been the life of the party in high school and college, but as you grow older and become more socially awkward, your behavior changes. Eventually, your shyness and social anxiety become so severe that even meeting new people can be difficult for you. You may not go out or attend parties anymore because they make you uncomfortable—even if they are in a safe environment with friends who know how to help them navigate those situations.

Social Anxiety 

The inability to interact with other people because of fear or self-consciousness about doing so in front of others makes up part of what’s known as a social anxiety disorder (SAD). People who suffer from SAD feel extreme discomfort when their mind thinks about performing certain tasks such as speaking publicly or shaking hands with someone else.  


Shyness refers to not just being afraid of interacting directly with other people but also being afraid of expressing oneself openly due to concerns about what others might think about one’s speech patterns or body language.

Covert Aggression

Covert aggression is marked by hostility towards another person without obvious outward signs; often this behavior comes from feeling ignored by others–which can lead them over time into becoming more aggressive than usual

See how drug abuse effects on families and society.

7. Causes Financial Strain

The cost of the drugs or alcohol themselves is often the first financial strain that an addict will feel. Any loss of income – either due to spending too much time working as usual or because drugs have impaired their ability to perform at their job – can be disastrous. Many people who fail to get help for addiction will lose their jobs, and the inability to find a job can lead to homelessness and extreme poverty.


Does Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment

Yes, it is covered. Insurance and other payment options are offered for both inpatient and outpatient therapy. Addiction treatment programs are costly and aren’t always covered by all insurance companies, therefore always contact your insurance provider like Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurer and ask for all the details for the coverage they are providing in your plan.



We believe the information has been beneficial for understanding how addiction affects an individual’s personality. It is important to understand the changes so that you can help your loved one while they are in recovery or after they have recovered.


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Written by Randy M Seewald

Randy M Seewald is a therapist in New Jersey who specializes in couples, family, group and individual therapy.