Overwhelm in Toxic Realtionship

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I hear this every day in my practice, “I feel completely overwhelmed and can’t be sure of my decision-making abilities”, “I feel like I’m going crazy.” Do these thoughts resonate with you? Do your question if your relationship is toxic or if your partner is a narcissist? Are you aware that you are in a codependent relationship?

The first thing I do with my clients is listen. Your story is important. Your voice needs to be heard and I am here to create a comfortable space for you. The next thing is calming down those feelings of overwhelm, also known and the “fight or flight response”. All of my clients desperately want to feel some relief from their constant anxiety and settle into a calm place. Let’s reduce the overwhelm in your everyday life.

Here are some examples of things you can do to feel less anxious and more in control of your thoughts and behaviors:

Distract yourself: go for a walk and observe your five senses, listen to music, read, watch your favorite show, connect with a friend.

Move energy through your body: Stretch, run, walk, swim, curl your fingers and toes, change your position, try yoga, dance.

Sensory actions: splash cold water on your face or hold some ice, smell something that makes you happy (baking, aromatherapy, fresh air), connect with your pet.

Breathing exercises:  ex. 4-7-8 breath

Close your mouth and inhale through your nose while counting to 4 in your head, hold your breath and count to 7, exhale your breath to a count of 8. Repeat 3 times.

Notices the changes in our body and mind.

Let me know if these work for you!

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