You give to others but you stop focusing on your needs… let’s change that!
I’m curious if you are regarded as a caregiver.
You’ve taken on the responsibilities of caring for others and tasks as a way to make sure everything and everyone will be calm.
It’s a form of survival.
“If I do everything right or others’ needs are met, then everything will be okay.”
You’ve learned that this works to ensure that both you and others are safe.
And you’ve had to.
Sometimes there have been true life or death situations and someone had to step up.
In these moments there isn’t time for anything extra.
There is a true sense of urgency.
You are in battle, so you need to fight if you want to survive.
As time goes on, you no longer are in those life or death situations, but your body is ramped up and in action as if it is.
You continue making sure others’ needs are met.
But, you forget about your own.
You find yourself thinking, “I am sucked dry. My cup or my energy is empty. I have nothing left to give.”
It is true.
You do not have anything more to give.
You have given of yourself more than others know.
You are tired, exhausted, and left empty.
On the outside, you may appear irritable, crabby, edgy, and even aggressive.
Others may say, “Stop being so emotional, lower your intensity, or stop letting your emotions control you.”
Those people will often express their judgement, but they won’t stop and simply offer you the same help you would offer them.
You are left unsupported and alone.
Your thoughts may turn inward.
“Suck it up, stop being a baby.”
“I am better than this.”
“Come on, just snap out of it!”
Those pep talks never work. They just leave you feeling more inadequate.
Next, you fight yourself.
You self-sabotage.
“No one cares about me.”
“I’m not worth anything.”
“I’m not important.”
In reality, you fight yourself as form of protection.
You want to protect yourself from what is inside.
There have been walls built up to deny access to your core.
Your core holds your deepest vulnerability, hurt, and sadness.
You don’t grant others access because the weight of your feelings will be too much for them.
And you block off your access too, because you don’t know how to handle what is inside.
In truth, you have never been taught how.
Your needs haven’t been met.
But you don’t know how to meet them.
What if I told you I could teach you how to meet your needs and boost your energy in just 30 minutes for FREE?!
The Fill Your Cup Workshop is a supportive, informative and FREE workshop designed to help you identify your true energy level & take action to fill your cup!
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