In my work with couples, we often talk about listening more than we talk about anything else. It’s important to be able to be vulnerable with your partner and know that they will listen to you. Just as important, your partner needs to know that they can be vulnerable with you and that you will listen to them.
I developed this script to help my clients practice listening so that they could make use of their time outside of therapy to practice what we were working on together. The goal is to build skills to practice listening without judgment or fear getting in the way of connecting. The point is to connect, to empathize, to seek to understand. Why? Because humans need to be able to connect with one another. It’s essential to our survival.
Is this something you want to try? If so, I’d recommend reviewing the script with your partner/friend/parent/etc, and agree to the purpose of the exercise. Make sure both listening partners are in a calm, neutral headspace and feel ready to try something new.
If this specific kind of exercise feels too challenging, or you’d like extra support. Let me know! I’m happy to hear from you and support you. Click here to learn more about how I can help you.