Should I see a mental health counselor or therapist?

2 minutes Written by Mental Health Match

The short answer is yes, of course! The long answer is that because anyone can benefit from seeing a mental health therapist, there are several reasons why you can benefit from therapy.

  • Greater self-esteem. If you’ve been through a rough time recently or in the past, you may be feeling hopeless or withdrawn, like no one really cares about you or what you think. Working with a mental health professional can boost your self-esteem by helping you really be seen, heard, and taken seriously. And you can carry that confidence with you into all parts of your life. 
  • Improved health. The connection between the mind and body cannot be overstated. How you think about things can affect not only your mental health but your physical health and overall well-being. Therapy can help you improve your emotional health so that both your mind and body can feel better. 
  • Setting and achieving goals. Looking to get a promotion or a raise? Have you been trying to break a bad habit like smoking or viewing pornography? Are you unsure of what life goals you should dedicate your energy to? A mental health therapist can help you identify your goals and then provide support to help you achieve them.
  • Overall life improvement. As the saying goes, when you know better, you do better. When you gain insight into who you are and why you do the things you do, you can learn how to rely on your strengths while growing into new areas of well-being and empowerment. Mental health therapy can be a great asset to your growth and healing as a human being.

Are you curious how you can benefit from therapy? Check out our #VoicesOfTherapy series that features real stories of what people have experienced in therapy.

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Written by Mental Health Match

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