Where There is Pause…There is Power

1 minute Written by Sonia Hopkins

We know the great Viktor E. Frankl said:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

However, although we know there is a space because there has to be a path from A to B…

Why is it so hard sometimes to really acknowledge and allow this space…this pause. 

This week I want you to reflect on this new take and see if you can allow the pause. Allow yourself to have the power that this pause provides. 

When you find yourself triggered, when you feel yourself tense up…before you respond, allow the pause. You’re reacting to something that makes you feel unsafe. This is natural. Let’s check the facts!

Reflecting on my own quick responses and acknowledging the power of my pause has made such a difference in my life. I know it can do the same for you ❤️

Be sure to check out my Instagram @soniahopkinss for more things mental health!

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Written by Sonia Hopkins

Sonia Hopkins is a therapist in Texas who specializes in couples and individual therapy.