4 minutes Written by Jocelyn Farrar

Everyone has the occasional emotional wobble when they lack self-confidence. Sometimes, a lack of confidence can grow and become a real challenge. Whether you often feel powerless or have low self-esteem, these tips can help. They involve easy-to-use strategies that will gradually build your confidence each day.

Build your skills

Like everybody else, you have specific skills. Some are innate, and others are the result of experience and learning. Unfortunately, many people with low self-esteem and poor confidence stop developing their talents and knowledge and feel inadequate.

It’s unpleasant to feel you’re out of your depth whether you’re socializing or working, but if you keep developing your aptitude, you’ll feel capable and confident as your abilities expand.

Set realistic expectations

Society, and perhaps your friends, family, or others who care about you, might encourage you to set your sights high. Indeed, setting your reach too low could mean you miss potential successes. But it’s not always beneficial to stretch yourself way beyond your limits.

When people have lofty aims they can’t reach, they grow despondent and lose self-esteem. Their confidence plummets because they expect to find success but end up with failure, and no one builds confidence by repeatedly discovering they can’t accomplish their aims.

It’s more helpful to stretch a little from your comfort zone when goal-setting rather than attempt to accomplish unreachable aims. Setting your sights a little further than is comfortable will pose enough of a challenge to motivate you and not be too hard.

Your confidence will build as you reach small milestones and get closer to your destination. You’ll learn you can make significant changes in your life and get what you want at a doable speed. As a result, you’ll have the confidence to continue setting and reaching goals.

Speak up

You might hold back your opinions when people put you down or discourage you, and you could imagine staying quiet helps to keep the peace. But not speaking up sends the signal to your subconscious that you agree with their critical remarks, and a sense of helplessness can grow.

You’ll build confidence if you stand up for yourself. Rather than say nothing when somebody is critical of you, be assertive. Express your view, remembering it’s as valid as anyone else’s.

Make standing up for yourself into a habit, and it will become simple. Moreover, you’ll gain more courage and self-confidence each time you speak up. You might even enjoy being assertive and saying what you think.

Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for your accomplishments will help you recognize you are a powerful person who makes things happen. Your confidence will expand the more you get the message you’re super-capable through to your subconscious. You’ll understand you can build achievement after achievement and enjoy challenges.

When you reach milestones or meet challenges, stop and let your triumph sink in and enjoy the resulting feeling of effectiveness. Then, celebrate with friends and family or alone in a rewarding way.

Spend time with positive people

Don’t overlook the power of hanging out with super-positive people. They’ll boost your self-esteem, encourage you to succeed, and motivate you.

On the other hand, melancholy, pessimistic people will bring you down and reduce your confidence. Their constant complaining and negativity will affect your mood and outlook on life.

You might not always manage to avoid negative people, but you can choose not to make them your best friends or spend too long with them. Instead, be with supportive people who want the best for you and believe in you, and your confidence will develop.

Exercise daily

You may wonder what exercise has to do with confidence. Exercising is a terrific way to boost feel-good hormones that motivate you to reach your goals and help you stay upbeat.

It can also provide vitality and a sense of momentum. So, exercise regularly to build your confidence, even if it’s a daily walk or cycling to work.

Let go of your past

You’re less likely to succumb to depression and low self-esteem when forward thinking. Reflecting on the past stops your mindset from adopting fresh ideas, and if you’ve lacked confidence for some time, it reminds you of who you were rather than who you want to be now.

Going over old painful events, when you made mistakes or suffered losses, will also lower your mood and make you feel helpless. Instead, live in the moment, occasionally pausing to set goals and look ahead.

If you lack self-esteem, you can build your confidence with these tips. The key to your success is to use them often. Practice one or more of them daily, and you’ll start to see yourself in a positive light. Your self-image will improve because you’ll recognize you are capable, effective, and valuable.

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Written by Jocelyn Farrar

Jocelyn Farrar is a therapist in Colorado who specializes in individual therapy.