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We all worry from time to time, but when your worries linger and begin to interfere with the quality of your life, it’s time to get help.

If you’re a chronic worrier, you may not be able to imagine a life without excessive worry. But with ongoing therapy, you can learn how to stop worrying about things you can't control so you can become a happier person overall.

Symptoms of Worry

When considering whether you should seek help for worry, it’s essential to know the symptoms to look out for. Here are some of the most common symptoms of worry:

  • A nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Feeling hot or sweating.
  • An increased heart rate.
  • The inability to switch off negative thoughts.

If any of these symptoms apply to you, it’s wise to get professional help. The sooner you do, the quicker you can learn how to stop worrying. Since worrying often involves getting trapped in thoughts, you may be interested to read licensed therapist Mara Fisher’s advice about how to stop overthinking your life.

How to Stop Worrying and Regain Your Happiness

A worry therapist will not only teach you how to stop worrying, but they’ll craft a unique plan to target your specific triggers and any underlying mental issues you may have. And with Mental Health Match, finding a qualified therapist is easy! Start by browsing experts below or by using our free therapist matching tool.

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