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Are you searching for a new job, leaving your current one, or just looking for career direction? No matter what stage of your career you find yourself in, a career counselor can help you make decisions that line up with what you want in your life and career.

Signs You Need a Career Counselor

If you’re on the fence regarding whether you need a career counselor, here are some signs you could use one:

  • You’ve submitted a ton of job applications and still haven’t landed a gig.
  • You’re a soon-to-be graduate who has yet to choose a career path.
  • You’ve had several jobs within the last year and are still unhappy.
  • You’re looking for a career change.
  • You’re dealing with job loss and need to find something new.
  • You need someone to talk to about your work struggles.

What do counselors do? Learn more about licensed counselors here.

Get Started: See a Career Counselor Today!

Career counselors can help you whether you’re in college, fresh out of college, working at a dead-end job, or jobless. They assist you by giving you the tools and information you need to make informed career decisions. And, in addition to that, they help you look within to find out what you really want in a career. Mental Health Match can help you find a therapist today. Use our free therapist matching tool to get started.

Career Counselors and Therapists - List Your Practice on Mental Health Match

Have you been looking for ways to expand your network? Mental Health Match is here to help! We match clients with licensed therapists and counselors who specialize in career counseling. Getting set up for new referrals takes no more than 10 minutes. 60 day free trial, with no credit cards required to start. Join now.