Find Nonbinary / Transgender therapists Therapists & Counselors.

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Many people may want to seek out a transgender therapist or one who identifies as non-binary. You may want to do so if you have past negative experiences with cisgender people, or if you feel more comfortable opening up to someone who does not identify as cismale or cisfemale.

Luckily, there are non-binary/transgender therapists out there who are ready to help you sort through any issues you are struggling with.

Why You Should Choose a Non-binary/Transgender Therapist

Here are a few reasons why you could benefit from seeing a non-binary/transgender therapist:

  • They are more likely to understand struggles you may have related to gender and gender norms.
  • You may feel more comfortable talking about experiences you’ve had with people who are cisgender.
  • You may feel safer talking about discrimination or shame you feel because of who you are or what you look like.

To read about transgender issues and how to navigate them, read this helpful guide to mental health care for transgender people.

Get Started With a Transgender/Non-binary Therapist!

Transgender/non-binary therapists can be difficult to find if you don’t know where to look. But with Mental Health Match, finding a qualified non-binary/transgender therapist online or in-person is easy! Start by browsing experts below or by using our free therapist matching tool.

Non-binary/Transgender Therapists- List Your Practice on Mental Health Match

Looking to expand your network? At Mental Health Match, we match clients to therapists and counselors who identify as non-binary/transgender. Get set up for new referrals in 10 minutes or less. 60 day free trial, with no credit cards required to start. Join now.